Data Visualization Using Matplotlib and PythonData Visualization Using Matplotlib and Python
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Matplotlib is a cross-platform, data visualization and graphical plotting library for Python and its numerical extension NumPy. As such, it offers a viable open source alternative to MATLAB. Developers can also use matplotlib’s APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to embed plots in GUI applications.

A Python matplotlib script is structured so that a few lines of code are all that is required in most instances to generate a visual data plot.

Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. Matplotlib makes easy things easy and hard things possible.

  • Create publication quality plots.
  • Make interactive figures that can zoom, pan, update.
  • Customize visual style and layout.
  • Export to many file formats .
  • Embed in JupyterLab and Graphical User Interfaces.
  • Use a rich array of third-party packages built on Matplotlib.

Using Style Sheets

The style package adds support for easy-to-switch plotting “styles” with the same parameters as a matplotlib rc file (which is read at startup to configure matplotlib).

There are a number of predefined styles provided by Matplotlib. For example, there’s a predefined style called “ggplot”, which emulates the aesthetics of ggplot (a popular plotting package for R). 

To use this style, just add:

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import matplotlib as mpl

from cycler import cycler‘ggplot’)

data = np.random.randn(50)

To list all available styles, use:


Using Style of Your Choice

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt‘fivethirtyeight’)

Basic Visualization with Matplotlib

Matplotlib is probably the single most used Python package for 2D-graphics.  It provides both a very quick way to visualize data from Python and publication-quality figures in many formats.

$ python

>>> import numpy as np

>>> import pylab as pl

You can also check which versions you have installed by doing:

>>> import numpy

>>> numpy.__version__

Simple Line Plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

year = [1950, 1970, 1990, 2010]

pop = [2.519, 3.692, 5.263, 6.972]

plt.plot(year, pop)

Simple Line Plot showing yearly population growth in Python
Figure : Simple Line Plot showing yearly population growth

Adding Axis, Title and Ticks to Line Graph

# Simple Line Plot with Axis Labels and Title

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

year = [1950, 1970, 1990, 2010]

pop = [2.519, 3.692, 5.263, 6.972]

plt.plot(year, pop)

#Adding Axis Labels



plt.title(‘World Population Projections’)



Using Python to draw a simple Line graph with axis labels showing yearly population growth
Figure : Simple Line graph with axis labels showing yearly population growth

Creating Scatter Plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

year = [1950, 1970, 1990, 2010]

pop = [2.519, 3.692, 5.263, 6.972]

plt.scatter (year, pop)

Figure : Basic Scatter Plot for yearly population growth

Creating Histogram

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

values = [0,0.6,1.4,1.6,2.2,2.5,2.6,3.2,3.5,3.9,4.2,6]

plt.hist(values, bins = 3)

Advance Data Visualization

Bar plot with groupby

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pandas as pd


Creating Bar Graph using matplotlib
Figure : Bar Graph

Sort Groupby Results

Turn the GroupBy object into a regular dataframe by calling .to_frame() and then reindex with reset_index(), then you call sort_values() as you would a normal DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({


‘product’:[‘table’,’chair’,’chair’,’mobile phone’,’table’,’mobile phone’,’table’]


df1 = df.groupby(‘product’)[‘value’].sum().to_frame().reset_index()

df2 = df.groupby(‘product’)[‘value’].sum().to_frame().reset_index()


Learning to Use Numpy Library in Python with Code Examples – Technology Magazine (

Learning Exploratory Data Analysis Using Redwine Dataset – Technology Magazine (

Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization Using Seaborn Library – Technology Magazine (

By Hassan Amin

Dr. Syed Hassan Amin has done Ph.D. in Computer Science from Imperial College London, United Kingdom and MS in Computer System Engineering from GIKI, Pakistan. During PhD, he has worked on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning. He has done research and development in many areas including Urdu and local language Optical Character Recognition, Retail Analysis, Affiliate Marketing, Fraud Prediction, 3D reconstruction of face images from 2D images, and Retinal Image analysis in addition to other areas.