AI FearAI Fear
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Fear of AI is a type of technophobia, which is a fear of computers, AI, robots, and similar technologies. AI has been the subject of much discussion and debate in recent years. With the rise of technologies like ChatGPT, some people have become increasingly concerned about the potential risks associated with AI. Those who fear AI may experience anxiety about machine intelligence, mass unemployment, super-intelligence, or the misuse of AI by malicious actors. They may also experience physical and emotional symptoms when they encounter AI.

Reasons People Fear AI

People fear AI for several reasons. Here are some of them:

  •  The idea that AI will become conscious and seek to destroy us: This is a common theme in science fiction movies and books.
  • The notion that immoral people will use AI for evil purposes: There are concerns that AI could be used to create autonomous weapons or to carry out cyberattacks.
  • General anxiety about machine intelligence: Some people are simply anxious about the idea of machines becoming more intelligent than humans.
  • The fear of mass unemployment: There are concerns that AI could replace human workers in many industries.
  • Concerns about super-intelligence: Some people worry that AI could become so intelligent that it would be impossible for humans to control it.
  • Putting the power of AI into the wrong people’s hands: There are concerns that AI could be used by authoritarian governments or other groups to suppress dissent or violate human rights.
  • General concern and caution when it comes to new technology: Some people are simply cautious about new technologies until they have been thoroughly tested.
  • Potential loss of jobs: There are concerns that AI could lead to widespread job losses in many industries.
  • Privacy considerations: There are concerns that AI could be used to invade people’s privacy or to collect data without their consent.
  • The prospect that AI’s ascent might surpass human skills: Some people worry that AI could become so advanced that it would be impossible for humans to compete with it.
  • Loss of human connection: Some people worry that as machines become more intelligent, they will replace human interaction and connection.
  • Misuse or overreliance on AI: There are concerns that AI could be misused or relied on too heavily, leading to unintended consequences.

How AI is Improving Our Lives

AI has improved our lives in many ways. For example,

  • Recommendation systems are helping us choose products on many platforms including Amazon.
  • Image recognition technologies are helping us identify people
  • Fraud detection technologies are helping us reduce fraud
  • Khan Academy using AI to help improve the learning experience
  • 24/7 virtual assistants are helping to improve customer services

Autopilot Systems

  • Autopilot systems use AI to help planes fly more smoothly and efficiently by adjusting the plane’s altitude, speed, and direction.
  • Autopilot systems can also help planes avoid turbulence and other hazards by making small adjustments to the plane’s flight path.

AI is Improving Healthcare

  • By helping doctors diagnose diseases and conditions more accurately and quickly. For example, AI can be used to analyze medical images like X-rays and MRIs to help doctors identify abnormalities.
  • AI is being used to monitor patients more effectively and efficiently. For example, AI can be used to analyze patient data like heart rate and blood pressure to identify potential health problems before they become serious.
  • AI is being used to help researchers discover new drugs more quickly and efficiently. For example, AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data to identify potential drug candidates.

Addressing People’s Concerns

To emphasize that everyone needs to learn to utilize AI for good, we often say :-

               “AI will not take your job, someone using AI will.”

AI is already flying planes, and driving cars. AI may become more and more intelligent, and it may have control, but it will never be responsible. It will always be men behind the AI who would be responsible.

So, we got to use AI and get used to using it as it helps us do our jobs better, makes us safer, reduces stress, and so on. In the end,  AI will also help create more jobs and will create more economic activity.

But AI does not have morals and sentiments, it’s the men behind AI who should have morals, and try to be more open, empathetic, and more inclusive. We should not allow AI to make selected few more powerful and rich than others, that’s what our lawmakers should target rather than making laws targeting the AI.

By Hassan Amin

Dr. Syed Hassan Amin has done Ph.D. in Computer Science from Imperial College London, United Kingdom and MS in Computer System Engineering from GIKI, Pakistan. During PhD, he has worked on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning. He has done research and development in many areas including Urdu and local language Optical Character Recognition, Retail Analysis, Affiliate Marketing, Fraud Prediction, 3D reconstruction of face images from 2D images, and Retinal Image analysis in addition to other areas.